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The Living List: April 2018

Writer's picture: PurposePurpose


Feel free to give me feed back, let me know what you would like to see here!  

In this blog you will find Special Announcements, Unique events for this month, Monthly Events, Opportunities, Future Events and other Blogs for information.


blue underlined: hyperlinks to web addresses that have more information

+: events that I will be participating in either by giving art or by hosting



To celebrate National Poetry Month, 41 Action News will feature a different local poet every weekday. Check the link throughout the month for new stories and performances from local artists. 

April 5, 2018 7:00pm to 9:00pm


Pete's Place 12044 Blueridge Blvd. Grandview, MO 64030.

Souls of Poetic Expression is an opportunity for poets and musicians to recite poetry or display musicianship that is based on Women and Women's history, progress, love, frustration, hope, success, etc, that will encourage and provide some type of emotional and psychological relief for listeners. Join us as we have Author, Poet, and Radio Personality, Serenity as your host. This event is free to the public.

April 8, 2018 6:30-8:00pm


The Open Table 318 E 55th St, Kansas City, Missouri 64113

50 years ago, Dr. King launched a human rights movement that brought together folks around a common cause, to end the various forms of racism, economic exploitation, and militarism that kept many from living a life of abundance. This year, the Poor People's Campaign is being resurrected! Join us for an evening of discussion, storytelling, and calls to action around these important issues. We will be joined by members of Stand Up KC, Rev. Eric Garbison, and more. There will be a potluck dinner that night, so bring a dish to share!

April 10, 2018 9:00pm

Uptown Arts Bar: 3611 Broadway, Kansas City MO 64111

Prim-One, speaking!!!

The moment you've all been long anticipating...... The sensational, titillating, awe-inspired gathering of all gatherings is OFFICIALLY among us!!! Come one, come all to this euphoria driven extravaganza of local artists delivering more forms of funky fresh flavors and sounds than your ears/tastebuds can take AND privileging your optics with more spectacular jolts of electrifying live performance in more vivid colors than any one pallet can handle.

(Whoa... Holy Effervescent Adjectives, Batman!!!)

Bring love in your heart and bring yo art NO MATTER WHAT IT IS!!! Bring yo voice/instruments/instrumentals/hoola hoops and yo dancing shoes!!! Bring your friends!!! Bring your friends' friends!!! and then tell those friends to load the family van with a few folks they're friendly with too... This, my friends... Will be a night for the ages!!! See ya'll there!!!


April 13, 2018 6:00 - 8:00 PM

4525 Oak St, Kansas City, Missouri 64111

Celebrating National Poetry Month, the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art presents director Harold Smith’s documentary, The Gospel According to Glenn North.

Smith’s film explores nationally recognized, 18th & Vine Poet Laureate Glenn North’s unique blend of jazz, blues, religion, black history, and social commentary. In his words, Glenn strives to “write and perform poetry that possesses timeless aesthetic value while demonstrating how the written and spoken word can change lives and uplift communities.” A Q&A with Smith and North follows the screening.

April 14, 2018 6:00 - 9:00pm

Lenexa City Hall - 17101 W 87th St Pkwy, Lenexa, KS 66219

Starting this month I will be hosting the SUNFLOWER SLAM at the LENEXA CITY HALL! Boy do I have some things up my sleeve for you! Here are the details:


Doors open at 6pm

Open Mic Starts at 6:15

Slam Sign up Starts at 6:30

Slam Starts at 7:00

ONE ROUND - Open Mic Style - 5 minute limit!

End of the night $50 Prize!

Come out and have a good time!

April 21st, 3:00-10:00pm

Charlotte Street's Town Pavillion Studios

1100 Walnut St, 6th floor, Kanas City MO 64106

Charlotte Street’s Studio Residency welcomes the public to our annual Open Studios event at Town Pavilion. Visitors are free to come into our artists’ studios for a behind-the-scenes view of the Studio Residency Program.

This is your chance to meet all 32 artists currently in residence, learn more about their work and processes, attend live music and dance performances, readings, exhibitions, activities, talks, sales, and more. All events are free and open to the public!

Performance Schedule:

5:00pm Andi Meyer (Dance Studio)

6:00 Jessica Ayala and Sheri Hall (Dance Studio) Join Sheri Hall and Jessica Ayala in a unique performance entitled The American Experience in the Hue of Language inspired by their books of poetry Black Girl Shattered and Huelga featuring special guests Andres Ramirez on quinto, Fabian Prado on gaita and Selene Hernandez on violin.

6:30 Danielle Hennerberg performs (Blackbox) Danielle performs "Meet You At the Moon," which is a jazz score arranged for trombone, piano, bass and drums.

7:00 Leo Gayden (Dance Studio)

7:30 Daniel Hogans (Blackbox)

8:00 Madison Mae Parker (Dance Studio) Madison Mae Parker will be performing an excerpt from her one woman show Unravel. Unravel is the discovery, the making, the deconstruction, the reconstruction of our relationship with bodies. Come experience a poetry and movement based performance on fabric, bodies, souls, and the thread that stitches us all together. Unravel originally premiered in November 2017 at The Arts Asylum.

8:30 pm Jason Zeh (Blackbox) Jason Zeh will be presenting a sound-based, performance work-in-progress. The piece employs layers of sin waves and cassette drones, hacked cassette-transcription machines, and computer-generated text. The piece rests somewhere between poetry, music, and performance art.

9:00 Karla Tull Aron (Dance Studio) A smoky cocktail of intimate musical theatre pieces and moods by composer and pianist Karla Aron. Featuring Danielle Jean Hennerberg, trombone; Daniel Hogans, drums; and Tim Metz, guitar.

9:30pm Mazzy Mann (Blackbox) Mazzy performs "Fine Dining," is an immersive experience of free-form jazz piano and keys implementing soul, blues, and operatic vocal stylings. Thomas Wilson will be on keys, Mazzy Mann will be the vocalist. The inspiration of this piece derives from the experiences one might have infinite connections through a restaurant setting: a first date, an awkward family dinner, the last time two loved ones will ever see each other. The atmosphere will be like a last call at a late night near empty diner.


April 26th, 7pm

The Writers Place: 3607 Pennsylvania Ave, Kansas City, Missouri 64111


Join FTW for a night of incredible poetry and fun at the FTW SLAM!Slam Specifics:10 poets will be given the chance to perform their best poems in a 3-round, elimination style slam.Each poet will have 3 minutes or less to wow the audience and the randomly selected judges of the evening. AND We're giving out cash prizes to not only first place, not only second place, but the top 3 performers of the night! This is gonna be a great night on both sides of the mic! #FTWSlamDoors open at 7. The slam begins at $8.10 cover

April 28, 2018 7:00 - 10:00pm

11424 Hickman Mills Dr, Kansas City, Missouri 64134

Come celebrate as 4HisWill turns 12 with Jonathan McReynolds featuring Isaac Cates and Ordained, Kimzy Aaron Ward and more surprise guest. Tickets are $20.00 GA $30.00 VIP. Vip includes select seating and photo with the artist after the show. General Admission is first come first serve seating. You can purchase tickets at

April 29th, 6pm

The Gem Theater 1616 E 18th St, Kansas City, Missouri 64108

Mistress of Ceremonies Karis Harrington Hosted by Teianna Re-AL Cooper DJ Treva Sanders

ADMISSION: $10 IN ADVANCE - Tickets must be purchased either in person or online by Saturday, April 28th, 2018 8:00pm $15 AT THE DOOR

Join us as we recognize and honor some of Kansas City's best artists in the fields of literary and performing arts. Every month for two years The Dispatch Post USA has published a poet of the month the poets from 2017 will be recognized during this ceremony as well as several award nominees.

This Awards Ceremony is also a benefit for 3 different non-profit organizations that have been supporting the city. G.Y.R.L. (Giving Yourself Real Love), Momma On a Mission, Inc., and KUAW-lpfm 98.5

Awards printed and framed by The Dispatch Post USA EthnicArt Gallery




Juke House: 1700 E 18th Street, Kansas City MO, 64108

Join Simmy and crew for the best Monday's in town!  This event brings some of the city's best talent including singers, poets, musicians and comedians.  Open mic sign up begins at 7pm, Cover charge is $10.


Jambo Restaurant: 9922 Holmes Rd. Kansas City MO

Join the Tones and Vibes crew for POETRY POETRY and more POETRY! Doors open at 7pm (happy hour specials from 7-10p), sign up starts at 7:30 to 9:30p, show will start 8pm no later than 8:30 and run until about 12am. $5 entry before 9pm, after 9p it is $10. 

Poetic Underground (PoUnd)


Uptown Arts Bar: 3611 Broadway, Kansas City MO 64111

Each Wednesday join the UAB as a different hosting team gives you a power packed poetry open mic! Every 1st Wednesday is the Kansas City Poetry Slam - $5 admission and $50 prize to 1st place!

EVERY 1ST THURSDAY, 7:00pm to 9:00pm


Pete's Place 12044 Blueridge Blvd. Grandview, MO 64030.

Souls of Poetic Expression is an opportunity for poets and musicians to recite poetry or display musicianship. Join us as we have Author, Poet, and Radio Personality, Serenity as your host. This event is free to the public.

Rap Asylum


Westport Coffee House Theater: 4010 Pennsylvania, Kansas City, MO 64111 (downstairs)

KANSAS CITY'S MONTHLY HIP-HOP OPEN MIC! In order to participate - submissions have to be received in advance at  $5 Admission - different features EVERY MONTH!

Sunflower Slam Hosted by Sheri Purpose Hall!


Lenexa City Hall - 17101 W 87th St Pkwy, Lenexa, KS 66219


ONE ROUND - Open Mic Style - 5 minute limit!

End of the night $50 Prize!

Come out and have a good time!

EVERY 3RD SATURDAY, 12:00pm - 2:00pm

KUAW internet radio KUAW.ORG

#BGMPB Starts with with Roux on the Radio hosted by Angela Roux at 12:00pm and then The Gospel of Poets hosted by Sheri Purpose Hall at 1:00pm.

Community Writing and Performance Workshop

EVERY 4TH WEDNESDAY, 7pm. Free Admission

Uptown Arts Bar: 3611 Broadway, Kansas City MO 64111

COME ONE COME ALL!!!! We will write 'til our hearts are content! Or maybe we will just write until our content accurately describes our hearts!I have created this workshop as an ongoing event because we have many open mics and slams, but rarely is there a space for the community to collaboratively work on the art that goes into these shows. This will be a dual workshop focusing on both the literary craft and the art of the performance.This is a safe space.All are welcome.We will learn together.We will grow together.We will share together.We will have fun and get the work done!


The Writers Place: 3607 Pennsylvania Ave, Kansas City, Missouri 64111

Join FTW for a night of incredible poetry and fun at the FTW SLAM!Slam Specifics:10 poets will be given the chance to perform their best poems in a 3-round, elimination style slam.Each poet will have 3 minutes or less to wow the audience and the randomly selected judges of the evening. AND We're giving out cash prizes to not only first place, not only second place, but the top 3 performers of the night! This is gonna be a great night on both sides of the mic! #FTWSlamDoors open at 7. The slam begins at $8.10 cover



April 9th Deadline

Equity, Inclusion & Social Justice - Tangled Roots

NEW! Deadline extension & 3 Proposal workshops!!!! See below.

Art exhibition and events about equity, inclusion & social justice

DEADLINE extended - Friday April 9th

OPPORTUNITIES: 6-week Exhibition Aug. 17th – Sept. 29th and a 1-day festival Sat. Sept. 29 (2018) 1. SHOW YOUR ART:




April 16th Artist Registration Opens  - deadline June 7th

ArtPrize 10

ArtPrize is an open, independently organized international art competition which takes place for 19 days each fall in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  More than five hundred thousand dollars in prizes are awarded each year, which include a $200,000 prize awarded entirely by public vote and another $200,000 prize awarded by a jury of art experts. Any artist working in any medium from anywhere in the world can participate. Art is exhibited throughout downtown Grand Rapids.

Learn more: April 21st Deadline

Harpo Foundation Grants

Supports emerging visual artists. The foundation seeks to stimulate creative inquiry and to encourage new modes of thinking about art. We view the definitions of art and artist to be open-ended and expansive. Learn more: May 31st Deadline

Art Westport KCMO

Art Westport is Kansas City's only outdoor art show and festival exclusively for LOCAL artists. The historic Westport district provides the perfect backdrop for a high-quality exhibition of painting, sculpture, photography, jewelry, pottery and more. The event is in its 39th year and will be on September 7, 8 and 9, 2018. 

Inspiration grant deadlines are coming 

Cave Canem


Book releases. Events. Give aways. And more.

Stay updated.

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